Enterprise mobility cemented itself as a fundamental aspect of the modern workplace when it provided unprecedented improvements to major elements of business like employee performance, customer satisfaction, and administration processes, to name a few.
For all its ready benefits, though, enterprise application development is not without its challenges. This presents organizations with dilemmas that they practically have no other choice but to address if they mean to get ahead in the competition.
Let’s discuss how mobility affects digital transformation.
The Important Role of Mobility in Digital Transformation
To realize the necessity of mobility in today’s workplace, it’s vital to acknowledge the fact that mobility is now already a requirement in it. Why? Well, the short answer hinges on employee productivity. Mobility allows them to work practically anywhere.
With the rise in the significance of mobility, companies and application developers realized that their platforms should focus on the employee, thus, making the latter such a potent driver of digital transformation. One proof of this is the existence of enterprise mobility.
The Predominant Issues in Enterprise Mobility and Their Proposed Solutions
1. Mobile Device Management
BYOD may have been considered just a trend in the past, but there’s no denying the way it’s permeated the climate of the modern workplace. However, security issues limit the full integration and capability of the BYOD concept.
Mobile device management abates this common grievance, especially if it is applied in such a way that security is prioritized while making sure that continuous and easy access to the organization’s data is assured.
It entails continuous enhancements introduced through apps, operating systems and MDM mobility as a whole. BYOD security issues require a complex approach because it brings in necessary myriad precautions in place to address different kinds of breaches.
Another out-of-control problem that severely limits MDM is the potential loss or theft of devices. However, having competent file management solutions in place reduce the damage of such issues as they have the ability to retrieve the data that could have been lost.
2. User Experience
With the introduction of enterprise mobility, the employees have become the centerpiece of internal digital transformation. Enterprise developers realize the power of the employee whose wants and needs are readily given. Inevitably, it leads to greater productivity.
The solutions should have ready employee-centric features that excise manual processes. Statistics have shown that mobile apps provide substantial advantages in time-saving, collaboration, and productivity; in short, overall performance.
It underscores the need to listen to the employees. What kind of interface and features do they really need? What type of user experience should you foster to help them do their respective tasks quicker and without much hassle?
All of these should be considered during the mobile app development process. So partnering with your employees will certainly be one step you should consider when coming up with the enterprise app’s design. Additionally, considering employee appreciation day gift ideas can foster a positive work culture and further strengthen your relationship with your team.
3. Security
Security problems continually hover over the mobile industry, and all the more so in its enterprise aspect. The amount of money most organizations are willing to invest in this facet speaks volumes about its utter necessity. And the actual application of security measures is no less easy.
Proper authentication needs to be set up in all areas while limiting and monitoring access to the corporate network. This requires managing every individual user that has the said access. And the enterprise is not the only one that’s compromised in most cases, as employees also need to be wary of possible attacks that could be made via email and file-sharing channels.
These issues occupy just a small portion of the entire security problem that makes up the majority of challenges in enterprise apps.
The companies can utilize effective security tools to safeguard the most vulnerable areas in their network. Experts suggest a multi-layered strategy that seamlessly incorporates competent authentication and device management solutions can immediately respond to the said threats.
4. Mobile Apps
Mobile app development remains at the core of enterprise mobility, as it provides the tools that help businesses achieve their goals and for employees to perform their jobs optimally. This involves having a checklist of the fundamental processes and factors involved like whether you’ll be building cloud-based apps or native apps or whether you’ll rely on code-less development.
Oftentimes, native apps do well in complex enterprises because they can provide all the necessary features that can bring about great user experience for employees. It also gives much-needed control to administrators. Nonetheless, native app development is also often the more costly route.
The custom development gives some unique advantages as well. It proves as an invaluable time-saver because of the ways it reduces the time needed to be invested in developing the apps, as well as incorporating and deploying the codes into the network.
The employee is at the heart of enterprise mobility and digital transformation. The said challenges overlap a lot in how employees use enterprise apps. Business owners need to realize this and come up with strategies that not only refrain from ignoring their needs but actively provides them with what they want to get their tasks done smoothly and safely every time.