Applications. They have already become an unremovable part of our everyday life. Almost all daily affairs are being done much faster with their help. Sports, games, organizers, shopping, banking, reading, watching, listening – can you imagine anything of these without your gadget? I can’t!
Apps have changed a lot since the first iPhone was released in 2007. Discover what are they now and how are they going to change in the coming year, reading this research prepared by
What do They Think We Need? Mobile App Developers in 2023
Current trends for smartphone software this year include two basic paths: making apps’ interfaces more user-friendly and struggling to produce something brand new to attract a satiated audience. It looks quite easy, isn’t it?
However, these tasks are more than just difficult. It requires constant brainstorm for programmers and designers to reach the result.
1. Number of gadgets
Try to count how many gadgets with internet access do you and your family members have. Ready? “Statista” 2018 research survey says that 23.15 billion devices are functioning worldwide right now. It means that each human has at least 3 of them. According to “Forbes,” their total cost is about $170 570 000 000. The massive of all devices is called the Internet of things (IoT), and its growth is equal to 27% yearly!
As a result, artificial intelligence evolves. In plain language, gadgets will eventually learn how to behave without human participation.
2. Augmented Reality
The next tendency is called Augmented Reality (AR). This technology is generally pushed by Google and Apple as they make the majority of user interfaces. Today we can play AR games, such as “Pokemon GO” or “Zombie GO” tool by the same studio.
3. Machine Learning (ML)
This technology provides us with apps, which make personalized offers. They know what we want because their programs collect information about our related actions and compose conclusions out of them. You can see it working in a variety of chat-bots, which answer your questions without human intervention; or in search engines, which study your requests and squeeze the selection to please your interest faster.
4. Angular 4
It’s the programming library for app developers. Google made it on the basis of JavaScript because it’s the most comfortable application operating language worldwide.
5. Crowd marketing
The online stores sell more and more goods every day. That’s why they need to improve advertising systems so that they would show potential customers ads more corresponding to their needs.
Will There Be Something New In 2023?
Analytics predict that we won’t see anything brand new, but all the 2023 trends will grow. It means that developers will continue upgrading stuff.
1. IoT growth
Forbes magazine says that IoT realm would grow twice in 2023. Smart homeware total cost will reach the mark of approximately $360 Bn. The main task will be to make things, like heating systems, work automatically.
For example: during the first month of using the system you set a suitable temperature for yourself. The heater will learn when you come home and set itself to warm up and cool down accordingly. It would allow you to cut expenses without any operations.
2. Mobile commerce
This trend is working quite good right now, but not everywhere. The aim is to widen usage of mobile payment systems and unite them to maximize simplicity.
3. Service applications
The previous category is going to improve our experience of working with service applications (laundry, beauty, delivery, cleaning, taxi). Imagine yourself coming to washhouse after making a timely appointment through the app. Using the geolocating system, it will understand when you come to a place and will automatically make a payment when the washing is done.
4. Security
Today, the majority of smartphone users have a low threshold of trust. Yes, we use more and more apps daily, but do we really believe that our data is completely safe? To be fair, I don’t. Dual authentication and messages, which delete themselves are quite good. How are developers going to make us really believe that our data is unapproachable? Let’s wait and see!
5. Android instant apps
This new category is going to change our experience completely. Today some apps may be used without downloading them into your smartphone. It looks like in future we won’t need to install apps at all. Cloud technologies are going to take all the processing tasks to lighten smartphones’ RAM and free memory for users’ content.
Let’s dream a little bit. If developers would manage to transfer calculations from our pockets to Clouds, the new logic will appear. We won’t have to pay for the latest gadget to use the functions we need. Smart clouds will study our everyday needs and optimize each user’s account capacity. It means that we’ll have to pay the minimum for the power we take.
As you can see, the market is quite impressive, but new horizons demand huge efforts. New features, such as machine learning, Internet of things and Cloud storage are seemingly going to work altogether. Will we see all the benefits of such collisions? Of course, no. But we’ll become closer to the new level as ever.